Back for more punishment.

11.29 Silly Season Game 23: The unGallant @ bigtop aftermath - it's a bit like shooting hoops with a tennis ball. It's easy to get it in there but it doesn't satisfy at all.

2016-11-29: And things were looking like a movie

11.26 Silly Season Game 22: The 50/50 FO @ The Turdburglars of Dynasties - You gotta love 'em and leave 'em, sometimes you deceive 'em

2016-11-26: Travel through the brain hit a vein, then remain, let it radiate

11.25 Silly Season Game 21: Doctor, Doctor My dog has no Toews. Then how does he hockey? Awful @ The quacks of our discontent - You who sits on golden arses tinkering your cocktail glasses

2016-11-25: Looking for a fist to put your face in

11.23 Silly Season Game 20: PDO Comeuppance at I was saying Boo-urns: I gots me a knife, a bandanna and a topaz necklace

2016-11-23: Don't ask me, because I don't know why

While I wasn't much into the original first wave of hip hop groups, the breakbeat EDM producers loved them and remix tracks like this one started showing up in all the DJ stores and sites, which was great because these tracks worked for the underground party crowd I actually like Djing for as well as the standard party crowds I DJed for to make money.

2016-11-22: So give me this award, and let's not make it the last

Like Seinfeld, I really liked ATCQ before I moved to NY, but their greatness crystallized for me when I actual understood the local references. For instance, I didn't know what a Carvel was until I saw them all over L.I. Also, I ended up working with a couple of guys who were, at least tangentially, part of their crew and had some good High School Q-Tip stories.

It was good to see the reunion on SNL with Dave Chappell a week ago, but without Phife, it was weird. As always, though, Shaheed's beats were dope.

11.21 Silly Season Game 19: the wild turkeys at the passenger pigeons, destined to be shit out through wholesome American guts. Yes, thanks for all the memories—all right let’s see your arms!

2016-11-21: I watch for the power to run out on the moon (And that'll be sometime soon)

It's old skool week. There was a brief spell in which I listened to quite a bit of ERM and actually helped make beats for a co-worker and his friend. It was a strange time. In a way, it seemed more open as electronic beat-driven music was really just emerging and no one had really laid claimed to anything. We all just sort of did our thing and shared our successes/failures with others so they could do it, too.

But I also remember having to duck down in the back seat on a few occasions as the only white guy in the car as we drove through neighborhoods having Friday night block parties on the way to the studio. And even then, there was an undercurrent of violence. I sort of checked out when one of the MCs we worked with brought a sawed-off shotgun into the studio because he didn't want the cops to somehow see it in his car. He never threatened anyone to any extent with it, but it was enough to know that wasn't my scene.

Anyway, I always loved how the East Coast pulled from their jazz roots. Jazz can be pretty great when you have the time to listen to it, but it doesn't always fit well within the 2:58 wax cylinder song structure to which we've become so accustomed. And no one could afford the licensing to cut up and sample similar source materials these days, so there more than one reason why you don't hear titles like the ones being posted this week. I don't think we're richer for it. Much of that source material is obscure and now it's going to stay that way.

Added Bonus video:

11.18 GDT Silly Season Game 18: Yon' Straight Trippin' 'Hawks @ the Flickering Flame - Juan dances at Chico's and when the clients are evicted he empties the ashtrays

2016-11-18: Funky shit

11.15 GDT Silly Season Game 17: The McLaughlin retort visit Comets @ sunset - Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town

2016-11-15: As happy as a clown

2016-11-14: The life I love

It's Circus Trip time.

11.13 GDT: The Carey Price Experience Featuring Carey Price with Special Guest Carey Price (Paul Simon You Can Call Me Al Remix) @ The Team with More Then One Centers - We got 2 Centers!!!

A Kids in the Hall reference AND a Mr. Show Reference?

For Free??


2016-11-13: Diamond star halo

2016-11-04: Miss America

Laaarmer's Styx Week continues.

2016-11-02: Snowblind

Styx Week, brought to you by laaarmer, Day 3.